When the currency is BTC, support more than 2 decimal places

Bitcoin is not often used on Splitwise but we would like our currency handling to be better as some currencies do not even have decimal points and some countries use commas. We’ll add this to the list of ways to make currencies more flexible but it’s not possible to say at this time when we’ll be able to implement it.
Ruzbeh commented
I love the fact that you guys have added BTC as a currency. However, you have unfortunately missed a very important point which is that bitcoin is highly divisible and micro payments are possible. It would be great if you can change the decimals up to 8 for all BTC entries. Currently, the system is rounding the entries to second decimal so if I put 0.005 BTC the system changes it to 0.01 BTC. With the current exchange rate, that’s a difference of 45 USD!
Anonymous commented
Definitely need this. See Ridzhuan's comment for a workaround.
Ridzuan Ashim commented
Just a suggestion, perhaps one way around this would be to support the currency in micro-bitcoin or Satoshis. That way a user would be able to reflect the intended amount more accurately. The rounding to 2 decimal places just makes it unusable for most day-to-day transactions. Either way, thanks for even looking at this suggestion! Big fan of the app.