Monthly expense Tab
To have a monthly expense tab, that shows monthly expenses till now and past month expenses like you send in every month at mail. It will also help the person to keep track of his expenses in different categories.

We’re working on some features like this now! In the meantime, you may want to check out the printable summary page for groups on our website (go to a group, then click “view printable summary” at the top of each month’s expenses), as well as the trends view for groups on our website (go to a group, then click the “Trends” button at the top of the right sidebar, then click “View full details” at the bottom of the right sidebar). Hope that helps!
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Ajeet Singh commented
Some friend are not included in any group. if I can get a list of my monthly expenses it will be helpful
Jakob commented
would be great to have this for every group, that is older than an month, also!
Praveen commented
I am using this app since my college days and it really helps me to manage finance and distribution of shares between friends. Now I would suggest the team to add monthly expense or monthly budget menu alongwith categories option so that a monthly expenditure can be managed and maintained with this app itself.
Best Regards -
Hiren Italiya commented
one feature to find how much you have spent in one month .
Anonymous commented
this app is awesome but it would be more awesome if this app has a report generating feature of our total expenses per month. By this way we would know how to limit our spending limits on things.
Roshan Kumar commented
To generate auto monthy expenses and mail me.
Huzefa commented
Get like a statement on what was the expense and how much you paid for that for the entire week or month. Doesn't matter if you already paid it or still owe the amount. The idea is to get what your expenses are and in a date ordered format. It will help plan on a monthly budget.
Kartheek M commented
i guess its available on desktop version but not on app.
Vishal dutta commented
I think having an option to see my monthly spend would be great as it will help me to get details about my expenses for a month and would of great help to me as a user.
Vaibhav Mistry commented
Split wise sends an email every month end of the expenses. It would be great if we could have this feature where we can track our Monthly Expenses in the app.
There can also be a setting where the Expense can be tracked weekly / biweekly or Monthly depending on the user's income period.
This will help users like me have a track on my monthly expenses and can increase / decrease my expense based on the budget set for expense according to income.
shirin commented
Please add an option to view the monthly expense. I believe it is already present for iOS. Do make it available for other platforms as well.